The Traveler

There is light ahead so far
No glimmer do I see
With all the talk of hatred
Of our own humanity.

Where is hope in life so far
A hint of ancient prayer
Whispers wail across the deserts
Wind chimes singing in the air.

Parchment of dry land so far
A drop of water beg
As tears rain a hundred-fold
On the journey of the dead.

Share my death with pain so far
Walking well-trodden paths
Lights I see ahead but shows
A nation of misplaced wrath.

Theresa M.

This is US

   “This is not who America is.” Or some variations of that often get tweeted. But really we are who we are.

photo: John Moore/Getty images

   Without going into deep history lessons, just look at the outline from the onset. Points to consider:

***Immigrants from Europe came to conquer the continent. North America. Native Americans defended it the best they could, but were massacred, cheated out of agreements, hoarded away. Thus, their lives and land were stolen from them. This is America.

Black people of color from Africa were forced here in ships under barbaric conditions. They were used as slaves, not even being considered as human, but as mere property. Families were often cruelly separated, as members were “sold.” This is America.

***Even after the Civil War, when slaves were “freed” there were actual laws that prohibited their freedom and participation in our institutions. There was overt racism, hatred, killings, hangings, lynchings. Many attittudes/ideas still exist today. This is America.

***Women too were considered property and were not allowed to vote, own property, etc. They had struggled long for the vote and other rights. Voting they got, equal pay they did not. This is America.

***World War II brought a hypervigilance toward the Japanese people. There were rounded up and placed into internment camps, even if they were American citizens. A total of about 150,000 people were incarcerated for about two and a half years. This is America.

   Through the years America has bitched about immigrants, against the Irish, the Catholic, the Jews, the Italians, the Japanese, the Chinese, the people of color. Yet they all assimilated and helped to build this country’s infrastructure, businesses, and even added to our culture.

   Now the immigrants, mostly from Mexico and South or Central America, are being labeled as rapists, gang members, “evil” people. Yes, many are illegally entering. There needs to be proactive laws in place. But the new policy proclaimed by the current administration is to separate children from their parents, no matter what their age. Rather than keep the family intact while awaiting deportation, they are forced apart, not even knowing where their family is or for how long. 

   These are like internment camps, concentration camps. Locking up, hoarding these kids, who don’t even understand what is going on. Child psychiatrists are speaking out about the psychological, long-term damage this can do.

   And not all are even “illegal.” Many parents have requested asylum, but now this administration will not grant it for fleeing domestic or gang violence. Instead, they’re being treated as “criminals.” 

   Right here in America. Separation of children from parents, psychological torture perhaps lasting their lifetime. This is America.

   We are a country who has gone downhill.  We are a country who lies. We are a country who labels, hates, discriminates, holds others hostage, backs out from deals with our allies, allows government leaders and appointees to profit off our hard work. We are a country who reneges on climate control agreement, allowing, practically encouraging more pollution.  We are a country who allows torture.

   This is who America is. I’m embarrassed. I’m ashamed. I do not agree with these kinds of policies. Many don’t. Many of us air our disgust about it and request our congressmen/women to take action, to fulfill their oaths of office’s responsibilities. What else can we do?

   Our leader is “representing” America, and this - all this acrimony and asinine policy - is what he wants, what he stands for. This is who he is, making America what it is. A nation of hatred, lies, lack of morals, being unethical and now psychologically torturing children.

   Our actions do matter. Our words do matter. We really are who we are. This is how America really is. A lot of work is needed to change towards who we want to become.        Theresa M.

quote from Bernice King (daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr)
on twitter (Be A King @BerniceKing) on June 16, 2018:

“Understanding that #ThisIsAmerica shouldn’t evoke hopelessness. Hope and truth are connected. Hope is not naivete. It is bearing witness to truth, STILL believing in better and yielding the energy to contribute to better.”
photo: John Hain

Shield in Place

   Fight or flight - our choices of natural response to any situation - goes along with anger or fear. That’s not to say there aren’t any other emotions involved.

   But these two - anger and fear - seem predominant, nevertheless. I see each of them as a kind of shield. Those who tend to lash out, blame, bully, and justify their inappropriate actions will use the Anger Shield to deflect any criticisms or accusations.

photo by johnhain

   If one is shy, or insecure, a Shield of Fear goes up but is weak, as it keeps the person questioning themself, and apologizing for some perceived wrong.

photo by kalhh

   But really these shields are only covering all the underlying feelings that a person may have difficulty expressing or even identifying.

   The angry shielder may feel sad, or be afraid of loss, maybe his/her own self-image is shaky, but would be too embarrassed to admit any doubts about themself. Maybe the fearful shielder is in pain, grief, feeling uncertainty about where they belong in life.

   There could be any number of feelings or issues underneath someone’s shield. Next time you encounter someone with either an angry or fearful shield, try to find out what’s really going on. Acknowledge their anger or fear for starters. Get them talking. Maybe, just maybe they’ll get a chance to lower the shield a bit, just enough to do some explaining as to what they’re really feeling. 

   Somewhere in the middle of it all there is balance. No fight needed. No flight necessary. Just stay awhile. Be a friend.          Theresa M
photo by geralt

Are We Reasonably Logical?

“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a (wo)man, I put childish ways behind me.” Paul in 1Cor. 13:11

   To talk, think and reason as a child is something most people grow out of (except for certain disabilities that hinder emotional/mental/developmental growth). But many who appear to be “grown up” still seem to be missing maturity.

   They’re language is crude (but of course even smart people cuss!) or limited, or their thoughts are stuck in a daydream/fantasy mode, never facing reality head on, never seeking deeper meaning. Or there’s a problem with reasoning.

   There are many views to any given situation. Many “explanations” of approval or disapproval. Right vs wrong. Whatever.

   On Twitter, for example, some people (I’m sure you could name one or more) go on tirades, spewing out accusations, finger-pointing, perhaps resounding delusions of persecution, as if others are spying on them. I’ll call these accusers “spewers.”

geralt on
   Often, others who ponder on these remarks look for verification. These “thinkers” search for factual evidence to see if the “spewer’s” views are fact. Many times several of these “thinkers” find no credible evidence, no basis in reality for these accusations.

   Thus, wouldn’t the “spewer” be unreasonable? Are they not being illogical? Showing a lack of maturity?

   Yet, there are spewer readers who believe whatever is spewed at them. Call them “spewer-believers.” They like the spewer, they might even worship him/her, which likely makes the spewer feel empowered. So empowered that (s)he spews even more falsehoods to gather praise and attention.

   More unreasonable, illogical hype - that’s what the thinkers see. Those who are believers of the thinkers express their personal views, based on their values, beliefs, life experiences, etc. I call them the “expressionists.”

   There we have it daily. Spewers, spewer-believers, thinkers, and expressionists. All putting it out there for everyone to read. Is there reason? Logic? Is it just reasonably logical? Is anyone really paying attention? Has anyone “put childish ways behind?”

   Do we wait for the dust to settle (hopefully not from a nuclear bomb event!) before action is taken to protect humanity from the damage incited by the spewer?

“I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Jesus, quoted in Luke 18:17

   What a riddle for us all. Whether this earth is your kingdom or heaven is, can we regain the innocence of our youth and still be mature about it?           Theresa M.
photo by johnhain