“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a (wo)man, I put childish ways behind me.” Paul in 1Cor. 13:11
To talk, think and reason as a child is something most people grow out of (except for certain disabilities that hinder emotional/mental/developmental growth). But many who appear to be “grown up” still seem to be missing maturity.
They’re language is crude (but of course even smart people cuss!) or limited, or their thoughts are stuck in a daydream/fantasy mode, never facing reality head on, never seeking deeper meaning. Or there’s a problem with reasoning.
There are many views to any given situation. Many “explanations” of approval or disapproval. Right vs wrong. Whatever.
On Twitter, for example, some people (I’m sure you could name one or more) go on tirades, spewing out accusations, finger-pointing, perhaps resounding delusions of persecution, as if others are spying on them. I’ll call these accusers “spewers.”
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geralt on pixabay.com |
Often, others who ponder on these remarks look for verification. These “thinkers” search for factual evidence to see if the “spewer’s” views are fact. Many times several of these “thinkers” find no credible evidence, no basis in reality for these accusations.
Thus, wouldn’t the “spewer” be unreasonable? Are they not being illogical? Showing a lack of maturity?
Yet, there are spewer readers who believe whatever is spewed at them. Call them “spewer-believers.” They like the spewer, they might even worship him/her, which likely makes the spewer feel empowered. So empowered that (s)he spews even more falsehoods to gather praise and attention.
More unreasonable, illogical hype - that’s what the thinkers see. Those who are believers of the thinkers express their personal views, based on their values, beliefs, life experiences, etc. I call them the “expressionists.”
There we have it daily. Spewers, spewer-believers, thinkers, and expressionists. All putting it out there for everyone to read. Is there reason? Logic? Is it just reasonably logical? Is anyone really paying attention? Has anyone “put childish ways behind?”
Do we wait for the dust to settle (hopefully not from a nuclear bomb event!) before action is taken to protect humanity from the damage incited by the spewer?
“I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Jesus, quoted in Luke 18:17
What a riddle for us all. Whether this earth is your kingdom or heaven is, can we regain the innocence of our youth and still be mature about it? Theresa M.
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