Science comes up with new ways to extend our lives. Seems every year there’s a new pill, a new method or procedure, another study finds the Fountain of Youth! Hooray!
All I know is I don’t want to keep living on and on and on. Don’t get me wrong - I’m not suicidal or fatalistic. This is merely my opinion and view. Since I believe in the afterlife with God, I look forward to my heavenly world. Don’t believe in it? Fine, suit yourself.
So life goes on, for some people it gets worse with disease, financial problems, loss, grief, maybe inability to care for self. For others life is pretty good - travel, family, work, time for hobbies, etc. And there are the “in-betweens” - life’s okay, not too great, but not too bad, “can’t complain!”
I was thinking, joking really the other day with one of my sisters about not wanting to live so long, so I would need to stop taking care of myself. Maybe we could start smoking, or drinking. Yeah, hang outside on the patio, smoking a few cigars, toasting drinks, singing beer songs!
Even more, smoke, drink and drive a car at the same time! Add texting too! And fried chicken! Just increase those chances of death. Long-term, incremental harm or short-term, it reduces chances to live.
I know this sounds absurd - it is! I’m just making a point that we make both life-enhancing and death-provoking choices every day. Every day we support life or death for ourselves, and for many others whom we may not realize are affected.
Smoking, drinking alcohol, texting while driving, diet choices are obvious. Not so obvious are stances we take on issues. I’m not here to advocate for any or tell you what you shouldn’t choose (for that refer to Twitter! lol)
Sometimes there may actually be no wrong or right answer. That’s just the way life is. We are all here: we teach and we learn; we help and we hurt; we live and we die.
But let me say if you do take a stance on an issue, please think it through. It’s okay to say you’re not sure. Maybe you have no life experience with the issue to help influence you.
But know that others are influenced by what you do. Let me just list some issues, you study your own reactions: gun laws, abortion, minorities, unemployment, immigration. Should I go on? Notice the intensity of any particular feelings? Powerful, huh? Ponder upon those feelings carefully.
So I’m glad I believe in God, and the afterlife. I feel a certain hope within. I feel responsible too for how I act here throughout this life that I live. Probably closer to death now than to birth. It’s okay. I know I will have left a mark on the world for another generation. We all do. Theresa M.
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