Do you remember what you dreamed last night? Other nights? Mostly they’re hard to remember. Awaken and the dream breaks into fragments, then scatter in the wind. Dreams are weird.
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Although there are many theories as to why we dream and what their meanings are, I tend to think they’re pretty much individualistic in interpretation, and are borne of several images you’ve come across either that same day or from past times.
That is to say our brain processes so much “stuff” that it can’t put much attention on each and every thing that it takes in. Do you ever come across something, say, an interesting sign along the highway that captures your attention, but you’re in the middle of a conversation with someone so -poof!- you forget it? Then the same billboard sign comes up in a dream that night, in a situation having nothing to do with your conversation you had with your friend when you first saw it. Just like that. Various fragments merge into a dream, all vying for attention.
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Throughout the day many people, objects, words, even memories (aha! that’s why the past comes up) all travel through the roads of your eyes, ears, thoughts, hopping aboard a train (yeah, like a train of thought!). But they don’t all take the same train. Some take a different route, somewhere in the brain (subconscious part I guess) and get dropped off there, with or without baggage. Let’s call it the subway.
You go on throughout your daily tasks, not even thinking about the passengers in the subway. After all, you’re dealing with the here and now, today. Go to work, drive past your old house, go to the store, read, watch a little TV.
If you’re lucky, by the end of the day you’ll be sleepy and go to bed. Ah, sleep! Nectar for the weary soul. Next thing you know someone is telling you not to go in there (an old house) that you travelled miles to get to. You start awakening, beginning to realize you are dreaming. The more awake you become you try to focus on your dream…”I was walking dark streets, near (forgive me) a railroad...I see a house I used to live in but it is rearranged and I can’t get in it...My old friend Greg is mad at me and tells me to stay away…”
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Fuzzy scenes now. Blinking your eyes, you realize it’s only 4AM. You had a dream. You’re wondering:
“Why was I walking in the dark, railroad nearby, from a place in my teens? Why toward a house I lived in as an adult? Why the heck is Greg mad at me? And why does he look like that Nationals’ ballplayer?” Hahaha…
Why? Who the heck knows! Images from the past always come back to haunt you in dreams: the path, the railroad tracks, the old house, old friends. Recognition of recent events: the Nationals played in the World Series.
This is a variation of some of my recent dreams, since I really can’t remember the sequence, but even looking at these bits and pieces, I can make up my own interpretation:
I’ve come down a long, dark, lonely path (image I remember as a teen once walking home in the dark - spooky); made a home for myself as an adult, moved on from that house (which in reality I pass by once in a while and it is near railroad tracks). Although I miss that place sometimes, I can’t return. Lost Greg too (a friend I haven’t seen in years). Wish I could see him again. He tells me no.
The Nationals ballplayer? He likely triggered this whole thing! I saw him on TV recently, thought he looked a lot like my old friend Greg, then I forgot about it, or so I thought. Well apparently the ballplayer got on the train with
my baggage and waited around in the subway till he could visit me in my dreams!
Dreams are so weird. 😕😕😕
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Theresa M
ps - Sweet Dreams to you anyway!! 😌💤