Leap Not

For all those people with a birthday on February 29th: 

                    Happy Birthday anyway.

Maybe you’re lucky, you can always honestly say you’re younger than you are. Maybe not so lucky with no real birth date of February 29 for years to celebrate or get gifts.

Sure, I bet you celebrate on the 27th or 28th, maybe after March 1st. But is it really the same?

So every four years I think you deserve to have an over-the-top birthday celebration to make up for the previous three years. Tell your family and friends you expect this. Start preparing now for February 29th, 2020!

Here’s to you, February 29th birthers! You’re just as special as the rest of us!    Theresa M

         Leap Year

Twenty-nine the second month has

Every four years, so many says--

Why call it a leap year

‘stead of leap month?

Perhaps the extra day 

was meant to be a month!

If we were to leap to next year

From a leap month away from here,

Wouldn’t this day be the same

whichever way:

A year in the life of a month with an extra day?

                                            Theresa M 😊

Glistening Trees

Glistening shields cover the old trees -
 the strain too great to bear.
Branches were strong that held many a spring
 of nests and birds - of beauty-
 they stood against storms.
Now they give way to the weight of ice
 that visited last night without invitation.
Crackling, crashing heard all around
 taking down lines of power too-
Leaving the people in darkness - in fear -
 no escape yet from this ice prison.
They wrap themselves in blankets
 for warmth to watch in horror
 as part of nature breaks apart.

Crash!  Another old tree has fallen -
 split right down its mid-line.
Agony it feels and other trees weep -
 drops of water plunk down from ice.
Maybe ice is weeping for the trees -
 maybe Mother Nature
 is weeping for her trees
And perhaps even for humanity
 who usually tries to prove itself
 more powerful than her.
Will we ever understand?
Yet trees continue to weep.

Theresa M


Here remains splintered wood
  of cherished old time
  pieces of past - chopped up fine.

Here remains the shreds of its own kin -
  words of lost delight and sin.
There remains little else to notice
  of a life led out of the forest

There remains a smell of oak or pine
  that somehow once held
  my writings - mine.

Here remains a mystery -
What led this great tree to me?

Theresa M

Circle of Light

Circle of Light surrounds my house
  at night
I see the full moon
  so bright
A ring expands with a zillion icicles
of frozen brilliance illuminating
  the sky
to hover over my home
bringing me the comfort -
the sense of protection
  of a higher power
watching over, embracing
  my life.

A sense of safety warms my soul
and a sense of newness fills my spirit
Hope enters my heart
as the circle of light
  illumines its pathways -
  the doorways open
  and deeper understanding
  is unleashed.

Now I may cross the boundaries
from knowledge to wisdom
Now I am elevated to the heights
  of love and understanding.

Now I am one with the Circle of Light.

Theresa M

Naked Trees

See distant hills awash in gray
with naked branches
reaching for warmth.
They could almost pull down the clouds,
but they only manage
  to shred the fog -
a masquerade of forbidden visage.

Oh, shelter - leaves of green so warm -
protects us now from cold winter’s harm.
Bring back the birds that sing and shrill
to keep life on these branches,
on these hills.

The naked trees reach out in prayers
up to the open skies
  of starlit airs.
In time the answers come to them.
Some will have to snap and end;
others will encounter spring,
When leaves will clothe
  the naked trees -
as life comes back again.
Theresa M