What goes on in people’s minds when they decide to cheat? Feelings of inadequacy? Revenge? Maybe simply greed?
This recent college admissions cheating scam where parents paid to ensure their kids received placement in an elite college has me thinking. What is the motivation to do this? Did the kids know what was going on, and if so, what does that have them thinking about their own self, and of what their parents think of them?
All around it is shady, corrupt, and downright dehumanizing. The teenager who knows their parent is paying bribes to place them in college sees how very little his own merits are considered to be worth anything. If mom and dad have to do this for you, that says a lot about what you are able to achieve or not achieve on your own.
Perhaps the teen would not be able to handle such a belief as being inferior; in fact, it would appear the parent is also trying to teach - at the very same time of debasing him - that their child is “above” everyone else, is entitled to “the best.”
Protecting children from harm is one thing, but breaking the law to do it is another. Protecting children from facing real-world consequences of a SAT exam or personal achievement resume is in itself poor parenting; combined with a payoff it is criminal.
The bottom line is that those who use their wealth to buy their way through life (paying off lawyers, judges, politicians, school officials, etc) without actually dealing with any of the natural and lawful consequences really does no one any good. They are teaching their children to be cheats, liars, to be disrespectful to the law and to other people. Their insecurity must be so deep, these parents actually mold and shape an image of it right into their own children. Entitlement, better-than, above-it-all,
“but I did it for my child!” Yeah, yeah. To them I say: You did it because you could, and thought you would get away with it. You likely did it because you are too embarrassed to address the shame you’ve been feeling inside yourself; perhaps your parents treated you the same way you are now treating your kids. You did it because you have buried your heart and soul with money and materialistic living. Your treasures are not stored in anything spiritual.
For all those who worked hard to go to college without cheating and continued on working to pay off the student loans, you are the true-blue alumni of the academic world.
Personally, I have always been disgusted with cheaters. I was fairly good in school and would be asked at times to help someone cheat. I refused every time, despite name-calling or being ostracized. I never understood why people wanted to just skate by with cheating - you stay ignorant that way. I don’t care what college someone goes to, if they cheated, they’re ignorant. Ignorant of what is most important in life. There is still time for everyone to work on and find their true self. At least I hope so. But there is no way to get there by cheating. Theresa M