Do Have a Cow, Man!

   #TheMooovement is trending on Twitter.  And it’s hilarious! Yes, it has cow puns:  Udderly bovine!  Milk it for all it’s got!   Herd of it?

   Our basic right to freedom of speech is once again threatened.  Sure, there are things said that can be unlawful, eg, “fire” in a building, slander, threatening someone.  But political parody has always been accepted, expected, in our society.  What a great outlet for the angst and anger, the outrageous and relentless disturbing political views.  Bring it out in the open light for all to see how inept some politicians can be.  Saturday Night Live (NBC) does this on a regular basis, whether or not we like it - it’s there.

   So a Twitter account parody of a cow (@DevinCow) acting like it belongs to David Nunes (a California Representative in Congress) is being sued by Nunes.  In real life!  That in itself is funny.   (I won’t go into detail here; feel free to google it.)

   Nunes suing the “cow” has catapulted the case to a whole new level of satire.  @DevinCow has actually been able to increase their Twitter followers by thousands, perhaps it will reach a million before long.  Unherd of!  Udderly incredible!  Bovine intervention!

   The case against the cow will hopefully be thrown out of court.  Frivolous nonsense, but oh-so-sweet for Twitterers who love satire.  We need a good milking of idiotic political milksops.  So round up your herd, follow @DevinCow and join the #Mooovement.  

 Do have a cow, man!       Theresa M         

Cheat Skates

   What goes on in people’s minds when they decide to cheat?  Feelings of inadequacy?  Revenge?  Maybe simply greed? 

   This recent college admissions cheating scam where parents paid to ensure their kids received placement in an elite college has me thinking.  What is the motivation to do this?  Did the kids know what was going on, and if so, what does that have them thinking about their own self, and of what their parents think of them?

   All around it is shady, corrupt, and downright dehumanizing.  The teenager who knows their parent is paying bribes to place them in college sees how very little his own merits are considered to be worth anything.  If mom and dad have to do this for you, that says a lot about what you are able to achieve or not achieve on your own. 

   Perhaps the teen would not be able to handle such a belief as being inferior; in fact, it would appear the parent is also trying to teach - at the very same time of debasing him - that their child is “above” everyone else, is entitled to “the best.”

   Protecting children from harm is one thing, but breaking the law to do it is another.  Protecting children from facing real-world consequences of a SAT exam or personal achievement resume is in itself poor parenting; combined with a payoff it is criminal.

   The bottom line is that those who use their wealth to buy their way through life (paying off lawyers, judges, politicians, school officials, etc) without actually dealing with any of the natural and lawful consequences really does no one any good.  They are teaching their children to be cheats, liars, to be disrespectful to the law and to other people.  Their insecurity must be so deep, these parents actually mold and shape an image of it right into their own children.  Entitlement, better-than, above-it-all, “but I did it for my child!”  Yeah, yeah.  To them I say:  You did it because you could, and thought you would get away with it.  You likely did it because you are too embarrassed to address the shame you’ve been feeling inside yourself; perhaps your parents treated you the same way you are now treating your kids.  You did it because you have buried your heart and soul with money and materialistic living.  Your treasures are not stored in anything spiritual.

   For all those who worked hard to go to college without cheating and continued on working to pay off the student loans, you are the true-blue alumni of the academic world.

   Personally, I have always been disgusted with cheaters.  I was fairly good in school and would be asked at times to help someone cheat.  I refused every time, despite name-calling or being ostracized.  I never understood why people wanted to just skate by with cheating - you stay ignorant that way.  I don’t care what college someone goes to, if they cheated, they’re ignorant.  Ignorant of what is most important in life.  There is still time for everyone to work on and find their true self.  At least I hope so.  But there is no way to get there by cheating.      Theresa M

Cross the Pond

   World views and perceptions are so varied. So much in one’s own environment and upbringing influence us. But when do our beliefs from others transform into our own personal beliefs? Must we always enslave our opinions to that of others? Should we not use our own judgements? When do we cross over?

john hain

   Imagine being a people-pleaser, hopping from one person to another, basically being a chameleon, but having no real identity of self. They are basically moving nowhere. The more we read, the more we listen, the more we experience in our everyday lives opens us up to new ideas and directions. Outward learning. But taking time to know one’s self, the lonely journey of taking self-inventory, defining and owning one’s feelings for any given moment, the search for one’s own soul - now that is how to find more than knowledge. That is finding wisdom.

   Many people around us, especially those who govern, will say they have the answers, that they know what is best, that they are so knowledgeable we should listen to them. All aboard! Sure, we’ll listen. We’ll hear them, we’ll take their views into consideration. But we need to have wisdom. We need to know ourselves - what is true, right, honest, caring, helpful. We need to know that we are not alone. We belong to the whole human race. We need to choose options that benefit each and every one. It is not easy, as there will always be someone suffering.

john hain

   Find your true self. You will need to have moments of quiet, of solitude. That can be frightening, but need not stop you. A lot of what you’ll “hear” inside are the voices and directions of other people throughout your life. But you can begin to change the channel, so to speak. You can begin to find your own true self, your voice, your spirit within your very own soul. Be yourself.        Theresa M


                  Please take a moment to remember the victims of the New Zealand Mosque terrorist attack.  May the Lord have mercy.  Remember them all in your prayers.  Stand up against those who make racists comments and actions.  We all belong to God, regardless of race, religion, beliefs.  Hatred has no place in our hearts nor our lives.  Find your true self, your voice, and your spirit.  Share hope and love.     🙏💔

But First...

   One drop of rain does not a storm make.

   Many times I have over-exaggerated problems. But I have done well learning to be more reasonable.

   Having a negative outlook in life is quite the bummer. It goes along with the “awfulness” of labeling minor irritations as bigger problems. Anxiety can escalate.

   I remember once getting home from work, leaving the car windows open. Once inside my house I noticed a trail of ants in the kitchen. Ugh! Oh, no! And the cats had knocked over knick-knacks. A sudden burst of rain stormed down outside. Quick! Get rid of the ants! No! Run out to the car and close windows. No! I’ll get drenched! Pick up knick-knacks. But the ants! The rain!

   Silly me. I realized how stupid it all was making a big deal out of nothing. First things first. Sure I’ll get drenched in the rain, so what. Go close the car windows. Then get rid of the ants, Clean up stuff afterwards. Simple.

   Of course many problems in life are much worse and not always easy to fix. But the 12-step recovery idea of “First Things First” can help. Prioritize your needs, your family’s needs: what is most important and requires immediate attention? Worrying won’t fix anything and only leaves you feeling more helpless. (Matt 6:25-34)

   Does God give us more than we can handle? Often we do that to ourselves, like when we let others’ aggravating ways take up space in our minds. God allows us to see how much we cannot handle. When we feel overburdened, the Lord gives us a way out by relying on Him. (I Cor 10:13) He is our strength.

   One drop of rain does not a storm make. Clean up the mess and move on.      Theresa M

Opportunity Missed

   It traveled over 54 million kilometers to land on the planet Mars. It took thousands of pictures, sending us never-seen-by-human-eyes of a faraway land. It rocked, it rolled, it passed over rough terrain (a total of 45.16 kilometers) taking samples, sending us evidence of water that once was a part of this distant marvel. For about 15 years it reported remarkable discoveries.

Opportunity - NASA/JPL Cornell Univ.

   And then it paused. Quiet. For days, weeks, months. No responses back to its team on Earth. It was with great sadness the team declared Opportunity was dead, having completed its mission February 13, 2019.

Opportunity on Mars by NASA/JPL CalTech July 2004

   Although Opportunity was not a human or animal, it was a creative being. It acted with some human form: travelling, capturing samples of soil, pictures, relaying messages. It was in fact alive, and then it wasn’t.

   Opportunity sits there on Mars probably for eternity. A part of us is there on Mars; a part of Opportunity will always be here with us. Like God’s creation, we are all stardust.

                     We are One in the Spirit of the Universe.                     
                                               Theresa M

Opportunity trails, NASA/JPL CalTech March 2016

And all the dreams I’ve dreamed before

that stretch out into the skies,

each hanging as stars -

an intricate web -

reach out and extend to connect

to a dream that is yours…
                                      from “Starlit Wonder” by Theresa M

info on Opportunity: