If you could picture each and every person on earth as a pencil sketch--sure with colorful pencils to brighten everything--how would a giant eraser be used to change our lives?
📷 by Evan Amos Public Domain Wikipedia Commons |
With all the talk about immigration, it has me imagining what it would look like to go back to change the past situations with today’s political proposals.
Note: We definitely need immigration reform.
We definitely need to have people seek it legally.
We definitely also need to treat all people humanely.)
Well, what would it look like? Maybe many of today’s descendants wouldn’t be here. Irish, Italian, French, German, Jews, Japanese, Chinese, etc arrived with very little, and maybe few skills. But they had sheer determination to work. And work hard they did. How fortunate they were given a chance. America needed immigrants then and still need them. But apparently the chance to become an American is being removed by hard line politicians who don’t see many of them as even being human.
📷 by geralt on pixabay |
Thus, erase this current generation, erase the kids, the grandkids, the parents, back to the grandparents. Erase in the Northeast--such a heavily populated area. Erase down to Florida, sweep toward Louisiana, which had many French, German and Spanish settlers before it was a state. Many of the French there were kicked out of Canada by the British. Can they stay?
On to Texas where Native Americans and Mexican people have lived long before white settlers, so don’t erase them. They do belong. Erase on towards the West--California on up and back around through the plains, sparse-populated areas. Erase the people, but again not the Native Americans all throughout North America. There, give them their land back instead of shoving them into reservations.
Erasing now toward middle America and down to the South again, where slaves were brought against their will; their generations deserve to stay as they were born here. But those immigrants--maybe not so much by the standard of today’s policies/proposals. Erase.
📷 by kalhh on pixabay |
Lots of erasures. Wipe off the residue. Clean off the map. How far back do we go in generations with these policy proposals? What does America look like? Who are the people here? Native Americans. African Americans. Some French, Spanish, German settlers--some from Acadia in Canada. We have handfuls of people brought from China to help with the railroads. They worked hard. We have a handful from European countries--potato famine folks for one--but what can they do? They failed their farms. No Irish here. No Italians. No more Germans. No Jews. Just enough here, unless they can prove they don’t need a handout; unless they can prove they will work hard, pay taxes, and agree to receive little compensation; because the rich want as much as they can get.
📷 by Capri23auto on pixabay |
But the rich weren’t willing to do the hard work or get their hands dirty. Nope, they needed more cheap labor. Oh, okay. Bring in a few more immigrants. Got to fill these jobs. Got to make more money. Got to be richer. Oh, I see how that works.
Where will we go from here? Theresa M.
my tweet on Aug 13, 2019:
“America was never meant to be an all-white nation. The greed and opportunities of many European settlers forced their hand against people of color. Each generation seeks a better way of life. The norm is naturally multi-cultural and much more diverse, white not so much.”