Happy Fall Ya’ll! ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ

 My favorite season is the autumn: 

cooler days with brisk breezes.  Even cooler nights.  Changes in the color of leaves and the delight watching them float and fall all around.  As much as I love the crickets and cicadas singing at night, they unfortunately start to wane, but the birds still sing in the daytime.  The squirrels chase around, up and down trees, hiding their treasures.

Days start getting shorter but that's okay.  After time spent in fall’s beauty, I love the feeling of going inside my home, ready to start the evening with dinner.  Get tucked in all warm and snug, watch tv, read, or write.  Leave nature out there magically changing the scenery and the weather.

Though the summer is behind, and winter is yet to arrive, with its cold, snow and ice, in this moment is the autumn air, a transition from summer heat and storms.  This is the best of seasons, although spring is almost as equal, as it is a season of renewal. 
 Fall is the time to enjoy the gifts from the previous seasons of surviving cold hardship, spring beauty, summer ripeness.  Bring in the harvests, put a log on the fire, drink a warm beverage. Rest. 

Find solace in this moment.

Theresa M.

PS - And if you have a cat or two to snuggle with - oh, that is even more delightful! ๐Ÿฑ


Fable of Silly the Squirrel

The crisp cool air was starting to stir and bring about a breeze.  Squirrels playfully danced up and down tree trunks, as birds sang sweet melodies, enchanting the afternoon forest.

Silly, the younger squirrel, tried hiding the nuts he found, by burying them under colorful leaves.  “Don’t bother with that!” cried out his older sister Sway.

“Why not?” asked Silly, holding a nut in his paws.     

“The leaves will die and crunch to pieces, then the nuts will be discovered by others,” Sway explained.

Silly the squirrel thought this over.  “Then I shall borrow the human’s pillows from their patio to cover them,” Silly stated.

“Don’t bother with that either!” his sister Sway said with a laugh.

“Why not?” Silly again questioned his older sister.

“The humans will put away their pillows and chairs at the end of autumn,” Sway replied.

Silly the squirrel thought over what his sister Sway told him.  “Then I will just eat as many as I can now and hold onto the rest of them in my cheeks!” Silly exclaimed.

Sway shook her head.  “You might fatten for the autumn, but you’ll go hungry through the winter.”

Silly gave that some deep thought.  He knew his sister meant well and was wise.  “Perhaps you could show me how to store these nuts for the winter.  I would gladly share them with you,” Silly asked of his sister.

“Well I’d be delighted to help.  I was hoping you would ask me.  Come, let’s go gather more nuts.”  Then Sway ran through the grass and yellow-gold-red leaves, as Silly chased close behind her.  They gathered a lot of nuts, and hid them in tree trunks and other safe places throughout the bright and beautiful autumn afternoons.  And when winter came all was well for the squirrels.

moral of the story:                              

Dont't be silly! Ask for help

when you need it.  Or it

could drive you nuts! 


Theresa M