The Fable of the Brown Cow

Out in the green pastures, cows grazed on the grass.  Some lay down as they chewed, others stood on all four hooves.  One brown cow named Hownow, was a bit smaller than the rest.  She liked to walk around and try out different patches to graze on, and was a very sociable bovine.

The neighbor named Doggie, a little yellow cat, always enjoyed visiting Hownow, the brown cow.  “Hey Hownow!  How’s it going?” asked Doggie, one wonderful brilliant summer day.

Chewing her cud, Hownow looked over to see Doggie sitting on a fence.  “Well, hello Doggie!  All is well in the pasture, my friend.  How about for you?”  Hownow was happy to see Doggie, yet continued chewing her cud.  “Might I offer you some great green grass?”

“Silly cow, cats don’t eat grass, well, unless it’s catnip of course!” replied Doggie.  They both laughed.

“Moo!” exclaimed another cow in the field.  Apparently she thought this was funny as well.

Doggie said to Hownow, the brown cow, “You know your humans are very pleased with the milk and cheese she gets thanks to the help from all of you.  I like it as well. It’s wonderful to have you around not just for what you provide, but also for your friendship.”

“Ah, shucks,” replied Hownow, looking to the side shyly.  “That is right kind of you to say Doggie.  I appreciate your friendship too.”

Continuing to chew her cud, Hownow said thoughtfully, “You know, the humans treat us really nice here.  They talk kindly to us, feed us generously and have a veterinarian routinely check our health - although that can be scary sometimes, needles and things.”  Hownow’s eyes widened as she said that last part. Doggie’s eyes widened too but she nodded in agreement.

“Yes,” replied Doggie, “We have a very good life here.  For that I am grateful.”

“Moo too!” said Hownow.  “Moo!  Moo!  Moo!” said a chorus of other cows, apparently listening in on the conversation and shouting out their approval.  Everyone laughed!

Hownow and Doggie chatted away for an hour or so, as the warm sun beams brightened their day as much as their friendship did.

Feeling like a fine feline, Doggie decided to go on about his usual trails, so he said goodbye to Hownow.  Hownow stood in the pasture, still chewing her cud, and mooed goodbye.  Such is the farm life of Hownow and her peers, simply being mellow and content.

Moral of the story:  You don’t have to have a cow. You can live in harmony by being kind and content. Just hanging out and chewing the cud with a friend is a simple pleasure.          Theresa M