Let It Snow! or Whatever

 These past two weeks we have had quite a winter wonderland around here.  Lots and lots of snow, ice and freezing temperatures. So I thought I would repeat a poem of mine, first posted January 13, 2019.  Hope you enjoy...stay warm!

Let It Snow! or Whatever

Ah, winter!  With its cold, cloudy days

some filled with snowflakes, some simply grays.

We bundle up and burrow in our warm huts and houses.

Some may drink a nip too much despite alarms from spouses!

Board games re-play for the bored and the grinch

To pass hours of day and night in such a cinch.

Or watch Mother Nature, the squirrels are getting cheeky

As they pop in and pop out, oh how very sneaky!

A warm hot cocoa awaits me at bedtime

As do the cuddly kittens, oh so simply sublime!

Thus for all you summertime souls who dread the wind and the sleet

Await your turn for the seasons to complete.

Warmth wends its way under covers of quilts

So high they stack up, I might need some stilts!

Alas, I burrow in with my cocoa and kittens

Oh my goodness!  I left out my mittens!

Theresa M             


Silently the moonglow lays a glimpse of light

over the hills and valleys…

a sheet of snow reflects the white light--

   faintly, softly.

A few houses are scattered like mirages of dream-like 

safety, warmth.

A light or two here and there of yellow candlelight

praises the moonglow.

This highway I drive leaves me no justice

to stay and watch the miracles of night.

Onward I go with the flashes of these dreams--

images my mind longs to partake of--

Cool, blue horizons with stars cast as lights.

But no match for the moonglow

on the snowy hills and valleys

that reflects the holy one.

Be at peace.

Theresa M

image by kienvirak on pixabay

Be a Part of a Legend

Do you ever wonder if your life will be remembered by anyone? Most people, myself included, are just ordinary everyday people among the billions who have ever lived.  So no, nothing remarkable for me that ends up in history books, memorial structures, or even a footnote. 

📸 by Canadian Cemetery History twitter

But it’s not that important to be remembered so specifically. There are people who strive for that fame, aiming to make their name known and uttered forever -  a bit pompous don’t you think? Then there are those that don’t aim for that notoriety at all. It could be something stupid or heinous that they did. Or it could be due to their talent in the arts, sciences, or business.

Most of the people I remember are the ones who were kind, caring, funny, just downright lovable. Those types of people leave deep impressions that help others to feel joy, delight and make the world a bit of a better place.  Someone like that recently died. Betty White. 

A wonderful entertainer who made us laugh for decades. Just hearing her name made me feel happy. The first thing I would think about whenever I heard her name was her love for animals, then how funny she was, her smile, and her love for her husband Allen.

She is someone who will always be remembered by millions. And she is one of those people who has brightened up a lot of lives. There is an effort on Twitter and Facebook with a hashtag called #BettyWhiteChallenge. It is for people to donate to a local animal sanctuary/shelter on her birthday January 17th. What a tremendous honor this would be in her name. A fitting tribute to a lovely lady who was a part of our lives for decades, who taught us to love and cherish animals.

Let’s all donate (if you can) to a local animal shelter in her name. Let’s all share in the joy of life for these creatures and for ourselves. Let’s all be a part of the legend of Betty White.      Theresa M