Earth's Path

You walk upon my paths.  You dig this dirt for gardens and crops.  You even bury your dead here. I am Earth.

📷 Pexels on pixabay

I provide hideaways for many creatures.  They make their homes all throughout vast landscapes of forests, fields, even deserts.

In some places my land rises high up to the clouds, others are down in valleys.  Water visits me often, in the form of snow and ice, or in rivers and rains.  Refreshing isn’t it?  Ah, the smell outdoors after the rain.

📷 21177668 on pixabay

Creatures, all but humans, show respect for me, understanding I am a provider of not only shelter, but nourishment.  Although humans build their fortresses upon me, they wreak havoc on me, with their toxins and trash that I cannot consume and reestablish within.

My future is determined by how I am treated.  Along with the air and water, and even fire, we need you to interact with us to help us stay healthy.  This is life, all of our lives, you are dealing with.  Please take a step upon my path in the right direction. 

~ Earth 🌎

Theresa M

📷 NASA 2012

Life is a Breeze

Feel the comfort of my breezes on a warm evening.  Breathe in the smell of flowers that I carry on my invisible bouquet through the air.  

📷 BarbaraJackson on pixabay

I am the Wind.  The Air.  All over - everywhere.  You cannot live without me.  You can’t even see me, you simply trust that I am here.

Surely, you see the leaves flitting about, or the objects jetting forth in a tornado.  Is that wind?  Is that the air?  That is me.  Do you care?


You know me.  You might have seen my work in a machine that keeps people breathing.  Unnatural that it is, but you often insist I stay a little longer, even when it is time I move on.

Living creatures all around interact with me.  But humans seem to lack taking care of me.  Oh they use me alright, but their greed puts toxins into my atmosphere.  They try to choke me - Air - and end up harming their own lungs, and the lives of all creatures.  Leaving them all a bit winded, dare I say.

📷 jplenio on pixabay

Why so little respect?  Why the smoke and the smog, why the chemicals and the creation of multiple hazards?

I was there for your very first breath at birth.  I’ve been here all your life.  Right up to the end I am loyal to you.  May the comfort of breezes flow over your grave.  I live on. 

~ Wind 🌬

Theresa M

📷 Theresa M