Do You Know the Way?

There is a mantra I often use to help me focus, keep the faith, and move forward.  I’ve used it in times of deep depression, in times of uncertainty.  Even in good times, it is important for me to know I’m okay where I’m at.

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I trust in the Lord and the direction he leads me in life.

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I feel calm saying this to myself, either in my mind or aloud.  A sense of safety surrounds me, I feel as if I’m cared for.  I don’t feel so alone.  I get the understanding that I will have the strength to do whatever I need to do to get through obstacles and difficulties, to  move on despite emotional pain or anger.  I do not have to fight with anyone.  I might make mistakes but I myself am not a mistake.  In the here and now of things I do matter, even when I think I don’t.  In due time, all will be well.  Trust is key.      Theresa M

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October Festive

It’s my favorite time of year again - October!

Time for festivities to take in all the colors and

smells and brisk cool weather.

October brings both good and sad memories.

However, I’ve come to appreciate the changes

in life and in the seasons. I feel autumn is just as 

refreshing as spring.  It’s kind of like growing up and

looking back on one’s life, finding acceptance.  Some

things were rough to go through, other things were 

better. I just need to be in this day.  Each day has its 

own challenges, but also its own rewards.

📷 Bessi on pixabay

Thank you October.  You’re beautiful.   Theresa M
