Recently in the news there have been strange floating objects going across the U.S. and Canada. Initially the focus was on what was thought to be a Chinese balloon of sorts, possibly monitoring our nation. It took days but it was finally shot down on the East Coast.
About a week later two more of these balloons (one over Alaska, another over Canada) were discovered and taken out immediately. But there is uncertainty as to what they really were. Weather balloons? Spy craft? Who knows.
At least we got some laughs out of it, as people kept joking about UFOs. I preferred the Cat World Domination theory myself. Some said aliens would not want to bother with this planet (it is quite a mess here isn’t it?). Of course others were serious and thought it was really alien technology. It could have been China or Russia or someone trying to infiltrate and damage various systems here.
Well now more close watch is being held so I hope we don’t encounter more. But for a while didn’t anyone wish it were an alien takeover to give us a makeover? Sigh! Guess we have to keep on working for change ourselves. Theresa M