Blurred Vision

One drop of rain does not a storm make. - Theresa M

📸 pixabay

Water drops from dew on flowers and leaves are an abundance of refreshment for little bugs.  Be careful, don’t drown in them, you bugaroos.  

📸 DenisDoukhan on pixabay

So I guess when rain falls, that must be like a humongous storm to the little creatures.  Torrential rain for them is a mere shower for humans.

The perspective of every living creature in life thus varies.  And as far as humans go, there are millions of perspectives, each person choosing their own version.  From the fantastic to the fanatical, the realist to the OMG-are-you-kidding-me!  Too bad there is so much fighting and stupid behaviors that many people dwell on.

📸 geralt on pixabay

My belief may not change your belief, and likewise.  There has got to be a better way to deal with differences.  They can be found if more would practice acceptance, tolerance, compassion…oh, wait.  That is my belief.  What’s yours?        Theresa M

📷 geralt on pixabay

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