The Passing of Lilly

Sometimes there are signs of things to come.  Both sad and happy, healthy and sickly.  A feeling of the passage of life - time.

me and Lilly Aug 2024

This summer, not over yet, suddenly took a break from the heat.  Nature allowed a wonderful cool autumn-like visit to stay with us for nearly a week this August.

I certainly enjoy autumn most of all.  Cool breezes, comfy night temps, just cold enough to have to put my socks on.

And my cats love to cuddle with me through the night in cool or cold times.  Being a hot summer, they tended to sleep elsewhere.  But this gift from nature, the autumn-feel, brought them back to me.

Merci, Luke, Lilly & me Aug 2024

One last time for Lilly.  It all happened so fast within three and a half days, she had become ill.  Waited to hear from vet and finally got appointment, but too late.  She died hours before.  She died at home.  I had held her part of the night, then lay next to her.  I held her paws and pet her.  When I had to go to the bathroom, she reached out her paw, patting me - telling me to stay.  I rushed back to hold her on my chest and we lay there awhile.  I talked to her, I prayed.  Then I realized there were no more words I could say.  My love and commitment were expressed; my pleas in prayers were all cried out.  It was totally in God’s hands, and in Lilly’s willingness to let go.

I tried some words again.  “Please let go Lilly, please let go.  The Lord is waiting for you.  So is Snapper, Nikki, Bailey and you’ll meet Bon Ami and Chelsea.”

She moved in pain, but no meows.  Her mouth opened briefly a few times.  Her eyes sank away.  Breathing was labored, deep, slowing down.

“I’m with you.”  Last breath.  No heartbeat.  My baby girl is gone.

Lilly April 2023

What a blessing it was to have this brief autumn-like weather in Lilly’s last week of life.  It was a sort of comfort.

All around the world, folks and their pets tweeted us condolences.  Pet love is universal.

One person I don’t even know, sent a poem that really, really touches my heart.  “I’m Still Here.” (author unknown) These two lines near the end of it got me……

               “I’m the colorful leaves when fall comes around.

                and the pure white snow that blankets the ground.”

Fall leaves and winter snow.  My spiritual connection with nature, with Lilly.  We would snuggle through the cold together, providing an enduring warmth of love, lasting forever.

Rest in peace my sweet Lilly girl.  See you soon. Mama loves you.     Theresa M

Lilly  born April 27, 2008; Gotcha Day June 27, 2008; died August 22, 2024 💔

Merci, Luke & Lilly July 17, 2024 last pic together

Luke, Merci & Lilly Feb 10, 2024

Lilly, Luke, & Bailey Oct 2019

Lilly, Nikki, Snapper Sept 2008

Lilly Sept 2008

me and Lilly April 19, 2024

The Fable of Chico the Little Chicken

📸 onefox on pixabay


The little chick could not get enough of the scattered grain on the ground.  Mother Hen also pecked around while watching over Chico, her youngest, and the rest of the brood.

📸 Alexis_Fotos on pixabay

“Mama Hen!  Mama Hen!  This is so tasty!” cried Chico delightfully.

“Yes, little one.  Enjoy as much as you like.  Farmer Man always feeds us good.”  Mama Hen was a happy hen.

All the little chickens ate and flapped their tiny wings, tumbled and rumbled about.  Some of them wished they could fly like the birds they saw above.  Chico flapped and jumped from a crate, only to fall.

“No, no,”  Mama Hen directed.  “We chickens aren’t made for flying.  If we were, maybe some of us could get away from the humans who want us for food.  But alas, here we are, earthbound, left to the fate of what humans choose for us.”

Chico thought over that for a moment, then asked,  “What is fate, Mama Hen?”

Mama Hen chose her words carefully.

“Fate is something that we have no control over.  Fate is a force that some humans use to get what they can from us. Some humans are greedy, some are just trying to survive.  Whether we are destined to live comfortably here, providing eggs, or are doomed to provide a meal, we as chickens have no choice.  That is our fate.”

Chico took it all in, cocked his head up to look at the sky birds, turned to look over at the farm, then looked down at the ground.

“But I do have a choice right now, Mama Hen.  I choose to keep eating the grain, playing with my brothers and sisters, and later snuggle up with you!”

Mama Hen looked surprised.  What a smart little chick Chico is, she thought.

“Yes, dear, live in the moment and don’t brood over anything.”

So Chico, Mama Hen and the rest of the offspring clucked on and peck…peck…pecked.   

Moral of the story:  Mama Hen said it, “Live in the moment.”  After all, you never know for sure what Fate has in store for you. Might as well make the most of it.         Theresa M

📸 BernhardFalkinger on pixabay

In the Heat of This Moment

These days are way too hot and long.  Please autumn, come early and bring us relief.  Bring back cool days with gentle breezes, and nippy nights with just a hum of crickets. 

📸 pixabay

I am hoping fall foliage will be beautiful this year.  Last year was not pleasant, as heat extended into October (my favorite month) and pretty much dried up everything to a brown crisp.

Of course we have no control over the seasons and the results they bring.  Time to focus on what we do have control over.  Well, maybe there’s not too much of that either.  We convince ourselves we can make certain things happen.  We can try.  We can make a difference here and there.  But it’s important to ask why we do the things we do.  

🖼 johnhain on pixabay

Is it for one’s own ego, self-importance?  Is it for fighting against deep-set fears and the what-ifs?  Or is it because we truly want to make things better not just for ourselves but for others as well?  Does it have to be my way?  Is there any compromise?  Will what I do interfere with someone else’s freedom; am I forcing my beliefs, my wishes on others?

Live and let live.  We can do this.  We can free others and thus ourselves, if we allow people to be who they are, make their choices - deal with their consequences.  Just let them live, and we can live our lives too.

There is no perfect freedom, no perfect world.  Sunshine on some days, storms on another.  Damage.  Regrowth.  We really ought to knock off the negative and start uniting, rebuilding based on love and the ability to let go when needed.  

OK.  I’ll live in this heat, but I can still long for autumn.        Theresa M