Parable of the Window

The greedy man looks outside the window.  He closes the drapes.  He thinks he can hide his bad deeds from the world.  But the world knows him anyway.

The light will come through the window.  The world sees him as he is.  He is no different from most people, but pride is greater than shame.

📷 reflex_production on pixabay 

Look here.  Outside.  See the world?  They’re judging you, greedy man, regardless of whether or not you like it.

Go ahead, break the pane!  It won’t change a thing.  The whole house can be covered with drapes; greedy man you will be the same.  He can shatter every window with his wrath.  But then the windows will blow open the drapes, and the world will catch glimpses of his greed and lies.  He cannot hide. 

The world knows him as he is.  I only hope they stop him before he goes too far.  It will be better to see him behind bars instead of windows.       Theresa M

📷  mac231 on pixabay

PS - The greedy man can only hide so long.  Look through the windows to see what’s really going on.  Open the windows, open your mind.  Don’t let their deceit get the best of you.

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